Your Oubaitori

Have you heard of the word Oubaitori? Oubaitori is an ancient Japanese idiom that comes from the kanji for the four trees (cherry blossoms, plum, peach and apricot) that blooms in spring. Each flower blooms in its own time and the meaning behind the idiom is that we all grow and bloom at our own…

That Thing Called Self-Love

“If you have the ability to love, love yourself first.” – Charles Bukowski At some point in our lives, we were told to give our all in everything. To love with all our heart. To be the best person that we can be. To always put our best foot forward. That sacrificing is the greatest…


“The only way to being at peace with yourself is to be accepting and loving of who you are.” Let me share you a story. Before I started blogging fourteen years ago, I was in a woman’s group and from there I became aware of this thing called blogging. And I told myself, Charina…you can…

Who Am I?

This is who I am. ⁣⁣I can be open and yet guarded.⁣⁣Can be silly but shy.⁣⁣Is playful and yet serious most times.⁣⁣I’m very much into alone times.⁣⁣Quiet moments.⁣⁣Genuine people.⁣⁣Blue skies.⁣⁣Finding the perfect dandelions.⁣⁣Crying over a movie.⁣⁣Road trips.⁣⁣Family.⁣⁣Have I mentioned alone times?

What’s Your Story?

When all is said and done. And it’s time for us to go. These writings will be a beautiful reminder of who we are, A life beautifully expressed and lived…. In writing. charina.writes If you are a writer, chances are – you know what I’ll be talking about (be sure to read the underlined, I…

What’s in a Boots?

Last July 4, we went to Meredith College for Parent’s Day at the Governor’s School that my daughter is participating in. We were invited to attend one of her class (Memoir) and to say that I fell in love was an understatement! There, we were asked to write a story from suggested topics like: Weird…

What’s Your Feel Good Story?

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” Leo Buscaglia This morning, a lady co-worker who’s been out for a while due to surgery, told me…

My Easy Is Not Your Easy

Can you believe we are just four days away until we begin the new year? New beginnings. Renewed hope. Greater possibilities. Perhaps, a deeper understanding of pains, failures, disappointment and everything that is not easy. A few weeks ago, I read a post about how people compare our pains to theirs or theirs to others….

{Of Self Love & Grieving}

Experts say that we should let ourselves grieve. And that the best way to help others that are hurting or grieving is to acknowledge their pains and sadness. No need for exchange of words, but just to be there even in silence helps someone who is hurting or grieving more than telling them to “get…