God’s Given Days

A few days ago, yours truly turned another year older and wiser…I would say. There is something about birthdays that makes me extra grateful than what I already am. It’s in knowing that I have another year to add to my memoirs. Days and weeks and months of waking up to a new day, of…

as We forgive

It’s 1:30 a.m. I can’t count how many times or how long has it been since I would wake up around midnight or a little later and toss and turn trying my best to fall back to sleep. Every time when this happens, I would – most of the times – just lay still and…

Something in the Rain

It’s a rainy (gloomy in a way) Friday. More often than not, rainy days always make me feel gloomy. It’s weather for staying home. And I am at work, so… But today, I find the rain to be a relief. I find it calming and beautiful. And the sound of it is like music to…

Be Thou My Vision

Do you believe that we have to give up something so we can be intentionally better at another thing? The same way with giving up certain luxuries of our lives, whether it be luxury in the form of the flesh, how we live and work and how we entertain ourselves so that we can be…

What’s In A Crossroad?

Growing up in a small town in the Philippines, I grew up as a school-home-school kid. I seldom go out or socialize. If ever I do, it will be with a small group of cousins. This same pattern went on until I was in college and I would say up to now. My life revolves…

Coastal Carolina

If there is one thing that I am thankful, it’s my ability to see something and then capture it on camera. To me, photography is not just having a camera in hand and having the capability to point and shoot. There is more to photography than meets the eye. It is seeing something that is…

Not All That Glitters Is Gold

I am not a fan of expensive jewelries or anything that glitters. Maybe because….I don’t like attention. I ‘d rather blend in with the crowd, not stood out or be loud or demand attention. I like everything plain and simple. Such is my life… Who wants all the glitters if it’s not real gold? We…

Born For A Purpose

Dear me, It’s Sunday but I opted to stay home today due to not feeling well. I thought I’d write you a letter. Who would have thought that you, the shy-introverted girl would be living 10,000 miles away from home?…… Excerpt from A Letter to my Younger Self; Finding God in the Ordinary Embracing a…

In His Likeness

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them Genesis 1:27 ESV God created man and woman in His own image and likeness… When God created man and woman in His own image and likeness, I believe we were born with a…

Living or Existing?

“For some reason, I, all of a sudden, have this unexplained feeling of wanting to travel, live life to the fullest and enjoy life. I am restless…” Sometimes, life gives us unexpected surprises. Surprises that at this particular point in our life, make us see how we’re living it. Or are we just existing? For…